Are you a Sporting Clays Shooter, or do you Shoot Sporting Clays?

No, this isn’t a trick question…  I was recently thinking about this book:

This book was mentioned in a previous post on this blog written and submitted by guest-writer Grant O’neal.  If you missed it, check out his summary of pre-shot routines to include a great summary of Pia Nilsson’s book HERE.

In the introduction, Pia explains that as you develop “human skills” as opposed to technical skills, you will develop the ability to rely on yourself and learn to adjust, essentially becoming your own coach.  When this happens, you will become a player.  That is what her book is all about – how to develop self-awareness and self-management.

In my view, becoming a player happens when you really internalize your sport.  It becomes an important part of your self-image.  Your sport becomes something you are, not just something you do.  It might  seem like a trivial distinction, but viewing yourself as a shooter, rather than just as someone who shoots is really a pretty major distinction that translates into how committed one is to developing their skills – both technical and mental, or the “human skills” as Pia suggests.

So, no matter what your sport, are you a player, or do you simply play your chosen sport?  Both classifications are ok – it is just a matter of much you have internalized your sport into your being.  As for me, I am a shooter!

And yes, I highly recommend Pia’s book.  It was originally recommended to me by my friend and fellow shooter Dave Coffman.  You can pick up a copy at amazon at the link below.