25 Post Milestone! Time to Reflect.

Many thanks to everyone who has read my blog over the last 5 months.  During that time, I have posted 25 articles.  I have gotten into a rhythm of publishing a post each weekend.  That may extend to one every two weeks as the spring shooting season gets cranked up, but we’ll see!  Here are the 25 posts in order from the oldest to the newest:

  1. Welcome to the Mental Skills Training Blog
  2. Goal Setting – the First Step to Using Mental Skills
  3. Self-Talk
  4. Visualization: Off-line Mental Rehearsal
  5. A Post Mortem of my Personal Mental Skills Performance Today!
  6. Hit the Reset Button
  7. Making a List, Checking it Twice …
  8. More on Setting Goals – a Sample!
  9. Be the Star of Your Own “Greatest Hits” Video
  10. Mindfulness
  11. Comments from a Youth Soccer Coach / Recreational Athlete
  12. Visualizing Your Future – Priming the Pump
  13. NC Shooter’s Meteoric Ride From D-Class to Master Class in 17 Months
  14. Phil Kiner’s Occular Boot Camp
  15. Mindfulness, Meditation and Muse
  16. New Year’s Resolutions
  17. Community Feedback on Goals
  18. Going to the Confidence Well!
  19. Fundamental Reading in Sport Mental Skills Development
  20. Seeing Your Way Out of a Slump
  21. Did we Evolve to Become Couch Potatoes?
  22. Things that Work – Gravity Defyer Mighty Walker Shoes
  23. The Wonder Woman Pose
  24. More Musings on Muse
  25. Rinse and Spit!

Please feel free to go back and review any of these that catch your eye by clicking on the “All Blog Posts” tab at the top of each page and scrolling down to the one you wish to view.

Looking at the site analytics reveals the 5 most popular posts (in terms of number of views) as follows:

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Mindfulness, Meditation and Muse
  3. NC Shooter’s Meteoric Ride From D-Class to Master Class in 17 Months
  4. Hit the Reset Button
  5. Be the Star of Your Own “Greatest Hits” Video

I was not surprised that the posts related to Mindfulness got the most reads as that certainly is a hot topic.

So, now is where I ask for your help!  I would love to hear from you on the following:

  1. What posts did you find most / least interesting?
  2. What posts did you find most / least useful?
  3. What types of posts would you like to see more / less of in the future?
  4. What suggestions do you have for areas not covered as of yet?
  5. What comments do you have on the site formatting?
  6. What other comments do you have?

Please drop me an email at mrouleau@nc.rr.com with your comments!  If you have success stories using mental skills (whether from this site or from other experiences), please share them!  I would love to post your experiences here as well so other readers can benefit.

I look forward to hearing your comments!  Please help me to make the next 25 posts even better!

Thanks!  Mike